Dream Nation Love

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2017 December | Sagittarius



Hey peeps. Steph of thedailyhunch.com and I are bringing you a monthly horoscope geared to Entrepreneurs! Genius, we know. We're just as excited. Would love to hear how this months column relates to your life and business. Email me at yulia@dreamnation.io and I'll post it or comment on my insta at @dreamnationlove.

December is all about breathing through the frustration as Mercury retrograde messes with our emails and websites. Word to the wise: avoid signing major contracts, purchasing new electronics, and scheduling your pitch meetings until after Dec. 22 if you can. However, there'll be ample time to brainstorm and visionboard our way out, and workhorse Saturn moving into his home sign of Capricorn for the next two to three years will be a boon for discipline and building things that last. Read on for your monthly entrepreneurial forecast.

Artwork is by John Alcorn. A great American Illustrator, Artist, Designer. Alcorn designed the opening titles for several Fellini films. Amacord is one of them.


Happy birthday, Sag! You probably didn't ask for a retrograde to screw with your party plans, but you're one of the signs that thrives best in chaos and disorder, so maybe you won't mind so much. This Mercury retrograde will force you to take a good hard look in the mirror and reconsider your image, your appearance, and your needs in general. With beautifying Venus in your sign too, you'll get the cosmic assist to hash out a professional makeover -- one that's more aligned with your brand. The new moon on the 18th will be great for setting some inspired goals for the year ahead, but wait until after the 22nd to implement any of them. Saturn also moves into your money house this month for the next 2-3 years, so budget like your life depends on it.



You're a workhorse, but even beasts who #beastmode need rest sometimes. December will be largely about catching up on rest and mining your subconscious for hidden insights and gut feelings. Consider keeping a dream journal this month, because your brain might come up with some real workable solutions while your conscious mind is off the clock. You'll feel recharged and ready to take on the world when the Sun moves into your sign on the 21st. The other big news is that Saturn, your ruling planet, moves into your sign on the 19th. Expect to be tested over the next 2-3 years, and expect to grow and mature in your vision for yourself as your more flimsy notions get weeded out.



For such a community-oriented sign like yourself, December might dredge up an unusual amount of reckoning with the network you associate with. You're pretty open to change and reinvention, so it shouldn't be that difficult for you to move on and find a new meetup group if that's what you feel called to do. Just try to wait until after the 22nd for all the facts to come in. This may or may not have something to do with a bit of a tiff you have with someone on the 1st, but you should have an inspired moment on the 16th that'll help clarify things a little. Mars revs up your career zone after the 9th, giving you some professional fighting power this month. Saturn will move into your 12th house of dreams, rest, and endings on the 19th, however, forcing you to get serious about your R&R time for the next 2-3 years.



December stands to bring lots of exciting developments for your career, but they might get lost in a backwash of Mercury retrograde hijinks. Take everything with a grain of salt and don't commit to anything or anyone until after the 22nd, because your main task this month will be to review and reflect on what's already on your plate. The 2nd stands to be a fortunate day for your global initiatives and cross-cultural aims, and the new moon on the 18th will be great for setting business goals for the coming year. On the 19th, Saturn moves into your house of friends and associates, where it might whittle down your network over the coming couple of years, leaving only contacts who are truly worth their salt.




December is a visionary month for you (and perhaps one that'll see you jet-setting for business and pleasure). The full moon on the 3rd will bring a contract or negotiation that seems like it's reached fruition, but give yourself until the 22nd to fine-tune it and review the terms. Saturn moves into Capricorn on the 19th, ushering in a 2-3 year period of maturing in your career. Expect plenty of exciting developments on that front after the Sun joins Saturn on the 21st. Venus also follows suit on the 25th, lending an irresistible veneer of charm to your brand.



You love money, stability, and comfort, but sometimes, it's hard to feel totally in control when your assets are tied up with someone else. The first part of this month will have you focused on joint finances, and Mercury retrograde could very well send you on a wild goose chase over some sort of missing link in the paper trail. The 10th might be especially confusing, but clarity will return after the 22nd. At that point, we'll be firmly in Capricorn season, which will turn your attention toward your mission and values statement (and perhaps encourage you to double down on your spendy T&E habits).


This month is all about partnerships, but you'll need to spend the majority of December wading through a miscommunication maze before you can arrive at any sort of actionable plan. There's a full moon in your sign on the 3rd, which also happens to be the same day your ruling planet, Mercury, stations retrograde. Don't assume; don't jump to conclusions. A conversation you have on the 6th could spell "roadblock," but wait for all the facts to come in. You might have a breakthrough on the 12th, and the 15th will be good for networking (as long as you don't commit to any plans just yet). After Saturn changes signs on the 19th, you might be forced to take a good hard look over the next 2-3 years at whom your assets are tied up with.


If your workflow's been on the sloppy side, December will give you ample opportunity to reconsider the systems, service providers, or even employees that haven't been working for you. Wait until after the 22nd to implement any sort of new program or working contract, but pay attention to any gut feelings you get around the 3rd. You'll be ready to talk to other people about this by the 10th -- just make an extra effort to communicate clearly. The first-quarter moon on the 26th will fall in your career house, so this will be a great time to spring into action. Saturn also moves into your relationship sector for the next 2-3 years on the 19th, which could force you to reevaluate who you're with, or possibly even usher in a more experienced partner.



You love mixing business and pleasure, Leo, and you'll be in rollicking good holiday spirits as the month opens. However, Mercury will backpedal through this part of your chart until the 22nd, so you might have to reconsider your appetite for pleasure -- or perhaps just mine through some of your former creative projects for the vision you'll need to move your venture forward in the new year. The 3rd will be a very confusing day, but you'll feel especially inspired on the 16th. The Sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st, inspiring you to get super disciplined about sticking to your daily routines and systems. This is part of Saturn's game plan for you for the next 2-3 years, so think hard about what to weed from your workflow.



You'll feel motivated to get your home office in order this month -- and hopefully not because things are breaking and going wrong because of Mercury retrograde. Thankfully, a big moment of recognition also arrives around the 3rd, because the full moon in Gemini will activate the career and reputation sector of your chart. You might come sharply back down to Earth on the 6th, but wait until the 22nd for all the facts to come in. On the 19th, Saturn moves into your fun, pleasure, and creativity house for the next 2-3 years, asking you to drink responsibly and actually give some form and structure to some of your more creative ideas. The moon will be in your career house again on New Year's Eve, so set some inspiring resolutions and celebrate what you've accomplished.



December might give you a run for your money in terms of missed emails, overlooked contract terms coming to bite you in the butt, or general technological screwiness. Breathe, and know that it'll get better after the 22nd. While you're trying to maintain your legendary balance, try to make the most of Venus's tour through your communication house: sweet-talk those investors and seduce your prospects, but make sure you're being clear about what you want. An opportunity abroad (or with a foreign organization) might rear its head around the 3rd, but wait til after the retrograde for all the facts to come in. When Saturn and the Sun enter your domestic zone around the solstice, you'll have to think long and hard about where (and whether) to put down roots.



You've got your mind on your money and your money on your mind this month, but Mercury's retrograde through your cash sector could present you with erroneous bills or checks lost at sea. Do your best to carefully review and reflect on your financial situation this month, because Mars will enter your sign on the 9th and make you feel especially invincible. This is great for making headway on your plans, but perhaps not ideal for careful budgeting. Saturn will enter your communication house on the 19th, challenging you to find your authoritative voice over the next 2-3 years. Allow creative inspiration to find you on the 28th, but make sure to act on what you receive.