Dream Nation Love

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2017 November | Scorpio


Hey peeps. Steph of thedailyhunch.com and I are bringing you a monthly horoscope geared to Entrepreneurs! Genius, we know. We're just as excited. Would love to hear how this months column relates to your life and business. Email me at yulia@dreamnation.io and I'll post it or comment on my insta at @dreamnationlove.

November brings home the bacon with a full moon in the money sign of Taurus, plus plenty of Saturnian opportunities to get disciplined and build something sturdy. If at all possible, try to avoid signing any contracts, scheduling make-or-break discussions, or purchasing any electronics after Nov. 13, because that's when Mercury will enter its retrograde shadow. Read on for your monthly entrepreneurial forecast.

Artwork is by John Alcorn. A great American Illustrator, Artist, Designer. Alcorn designed the opening titles for several Fellini films. Amacord is one of them.



Running a business requires a crap ton of negotiation, but this month, it's mainly about you calling the shots. Jupiter, which entered your sign last month, will be putting wind beneath your sails for the next year, and Venus follows suit on Nov. 7 to make you especially charming and in-demand. Spend some time mapping out your goals for the next year on the new moon on Nov. 18, and watch for shady behavior on the 19th.





You're a centaur, but you might find yourself shuffling into November moreso than galloping. The Sun is in your 12th house of rest and retreat until Nov. 21, so give yourself permission to replenish your stores. Come the 21st, you'll be feeling ready to take on the world, but a brush with Venus to your ruling planet Jupiter will bring a little taste of luck your way on Nov. 13. This next year will be a good time to work on something behind the scenes, so don't worry if you're not ready to spill the beans yet.




Your network is the source of all the action throughout most of November, so it's a good time to suck it up and attend those industry events. Venus makes a favorable connection to your ruling planet Saturn on the 3rd, ensuring that whoever you schmooze with around this time can walk their talk. Give yourself permission to break the mold and try something radically different around Nov. 11, and try not to feel too bummed out around any perceived lack of success around Nov. 28.



November is about work-work-work-work-work-work, but maybe in a less "nose to the grindstone" way, and more in a "receiving acclaim and recognition for your efforts" way. You'll be putting in long hours for sure, but the first half of this month might bring exciting developments your way. The full moon on Nov. 4 might highlight any imbalances between your work and your private life, but the new moon on Nov. 18 will be a fine time to set some ambitious career goals. Expect lightning insights around Nov. 25, and don't be afraid to harness the power of technology.



You might have cross-cultural connections on your mind as the month begins, so don't hesitate to really think global about your business. You might receive some annoying news on Nov. 13, but you'll be in fine form to make the right connections on Nov. 16. Your modern ruling planet, Neptune, stations direct on Nov. 22 in your sign. Things might be confusing around this day, so reflect and introspect on the intuitive knowledge you've gained over the last couple of months, and then implement your inspired learnings over the next couple of weeks.



A full moon in the wee hours of Nov. 4 brings a moment of revenue-related fruition. The first part of this month will have you drilling down on debt, joint finances with your co-founders, or investor money, and the new moon on Nov. 18 will be a good day to launch a new initiative around these themes. What returns will November bring? Hopefully generous ones. Just watch for volatile moods and power struggles on the 19th.




November starts out with you focused on your partnerships, but a full moon in your sign on the 4th delivers a "what about me and my image?" moment. You'll have the insight you need to launch a new partnership by Nov. 18, but Venus moving into Scorpio on the 7th will add some social lubricant to grease your wheels. Nov. 13 could be an especially lucky day, and Nov. 16 will be lovely for networking.






Your multi-tasking mind is capable of handling a lot of data all at once, but a big part of November will involve systematizing your workflow and getting your daily routines back on track. Your ruling planet Mercury moves into disorganized Sagittarius on the 5th, but it'll help you reach out and make new connections. Take everything with a grain of salt on the 13th, and save your hardest projects for the 28th.




This month starts out with you catching up on your "fun" deficit (and being especially productive if you're a creative of any kind), but on Nov. 21, your focus turns toward organization and optimization. A full moon on Nov. 4 brings interesting news from your professional network, and you'll be able to apply these learnings in a lucrative way around Nov. 10.




Your ruling planet, the Sun, is touring Scorpio for most of November, which might see you hunkered down at your home office more than usual. On Nov. 21, you'll throw open the blinds and emerge from your cocoon ready to take on all of those business-mixed-with-pleasure invitations. Watch for a major business win around the full moon on Nov. 4, which could bring major developments regarding everything career-related in your world.




November is gonna be a great month for you to catch up on all those emails and calls you've been meaning to make — not that a hyper-organized Virgo would ever not be at "Inbox 0." You'll be at peak productivity on Nov. 28, but see if you can hole up at home or get some privacy to bang out all that work. You might wind up signing some sort of contract around the New Moon on Nov. 18. Mercury will be in its retrograde shadow at that point, so make sure to read the fine print extra carefully if you can't put it off.




This month is all about that money. November 4's full moon in Taurus may come knocking with a lump sum or windfall from an investor, and with your ruling planet Venus getting the hook-up from Saturn (aka "the man"), expect the system to work in your favor around this time — even if wild-card Uranus is making others act unpredictably. Nov. 13 is an especially lucky day for money, and the new moon on Nov. 18 will be a great day to commit to a new financial endeavor.