Posts tagged environmentalism
K.M. Rice: Author, Screenwriter, Happy Hobbit.

K.M. Rice is a national, award-winning Screenwriter and Author. She’s worked for both Magic Leap and Weta Workshop. Weta create special effects for tv and film and are known for their work on The Lord of the Rings. On the episode, Kellie discusses the difference between Writers and Storytellers and shares her advice for overcoming writer's blocks. We talk about Creativity and how as adults we need to give ourselves the freedom to play. And play we did. On the show our conversation jumps around between Crowdfunding, Female Heroes, and Creative Manias.

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Rafael Espinal: New York City Councilman from Brooklyn. Fighter for socioeconomic & climate issues.

Rafael is a Brooklynite who works really hard to make the borough a great place to live, work, and grow for all. If you’ve recently been dancing in an NYC bar, it’s all thanks to Rafael’s work. He is responsible for writing a bill repealing the notorious NYC Cabaret Law from 1926 that prohibited dancing in bars. We caught up to talk about his recent bill to ban plastic straws in NYC. On the show Espinal talks plastic pollution and how it affects our waterways, the environment, nutrition in Brooklyn's food deserts, high Asthma rates in many Brooklyn neighborhoods that correlate with high vehicle traffic areas, the L Train Shutdown and how it relates to climate change, and also a new bill that he's working on that gives New Yorkers the right to disconnect after work.

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