Dream Nation "Frequency" embroidered sweeetshirt | Women

Dream Nation "Frequency" embroidered sweeetshirt | Women


Love the podcast? Then you’ll love this embroidered sweeetshirt. It’s the perfect way to support diversity, women empowerment, and social impact. Rock it out to a party, snuggle into it as you sit down to work on your novel, or slip into it as you plan your next dream. Dare I say it’s the hoodie of your dreams? It’s 50% Cotton and 50% Polyester which means it’s soft and a tiny bit stretchy. Which means that if you want to break out into fancy dance moves, it will move with you. Do what moves you. Every day. While looking awesome. Because you’re awesome.

The icon represents me (Yulia) as I amplify diversity, social impact, women empowerment in the world. All the positive frequencies that result in LOVE. Felt really weird to write that in third person but I just did. Please go out and make this world a better place in this sweeetshirt. XO, Yulia

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